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Hello.  Welcome to my world.  I am Lani Pounds, and I was told that some people might be interested in my natural living insights. Of course...


Hello.  Welcome to my world.  I am Lani Pounds, and I was told that some people might be interested in my natural living insights. Of course I didn't think I had anything new to add to what is already out there and really had no intentions of trying to recreate the wheel.  However, I met two very lovely young ladies that said otherwise. So here is my attempt at sharing my ideas, insights, research, blah, and blah.  I am a self-proclaimed hippy naturalist.  My late husband gave me that title and I wear it with pride.  I cannot really say what this blog will look like or what specific topics I will be covering.  That seems like too much stress.  I will say that the format will be extremely casual and not very "politically correct".  Here are some basic beliefs on where I am coming from:

1.  The Creator is in control of everything
2.  Everything is possible
3.  We know our bodies better than anyone else
4.  What we believe helps to create our reality
5.  There are some fundamental basics that govern how our bodies, minds and spirits work
6.  Words have power
7.  There are two "suppose to's":  Death and Change
8.  Flow (this word will be used a heck of a lot, my apologies in advance)

I am sure there are more, but these are the basics so far.

OK. Here is the my beginning (and remember that I did say these are my ramblings, so if it gets to long for you, I did warn you.)

I was working some job and I did not want to go into work.  I started plotting what I could do to get off for the day.  I finally decided to say I didn't feel too well.  I thought on this for about a good 15 minutes; deciding what "sickness" I had and how to make myself sound sick.  When I had the scene in my head, I called the job and said I was not coming to work.  Of course, with all of that preparation I was very convincing and got the day off.  Great, what was I going to do with my day.  I laid down and went back to sleep thinking about the imaginary illness I created.  By the time I woke up a few hours later, I was not feeling too good.  Why did I start off my first blog with this scenario?  To point out the power of our minds.  To shine light on the power of our words and beliefs.

What does this have to do with healthy, natural living?  This is the foundation to all healing.  If we cannot get our minds in the proper place for healing/natural living then all of my words will be useless.  I would be wasting my time and yours.  If you cannot remember any circumstances in your life where some form of the above example has worked for you, then look up the "Placebo Effect".  In short: it is like giving someone a sugar pill and they believe it will work and it does.

Before I can get into the different herbs, oils, and stuff, I need to know that you are having an accepting understanding of the power of your mind, beliefs, and judgments (suppose too's).  Some of the information I have to share goes against what "they" say is appropriate for us and if you are not open to hearing another point of view and actually chewing on it for a little while to see if it fits you and your lifestyle then again, I will be wasting my time and yours.

I am not saying to let go of all of the things that you believe in your life.  That would be asking you to destroy your foundation.  I am saying that your foundation could be expanded if you are willing to look objectively at the world around you and the world inside of you.  The American foundation is that we work and work until the job gets done and then we rest.  Several other countries foundation is that they work, rest, work and then go home.  We Americans say that we would love to take a rest in the middle of the day.  We come up with a whole lot of extra blah to justify that working all day is the "right" way to live.  I will ask you to look at nature, the animals and babies.  Nature rest, animals rest and so do babies.  So, can you expand your foundation to consider that resting during the day may be beneficial to your body?  As we go on this blogging journey together I ask that you be willing to expand your foundation and so will I.  I ask that you check your preconceived judgments, beliefs and suppose too's at the door.  First of all these beliefs that we hold onto as "truth" often hinders The Creator as He is trying to bless us, speak to us, enlighten us, answer questions for us, and the list goes on.  I am assuming that whoever you believe created this universe or has power over your life is powerful enough to effect changes in your life.  That said, when we come up with these beliefs that "that herb wont work", "the doctor said I can't use herbs", "that herbal stuff is ok for a cold or something, but I have cancer so I have to do what the doctor says", "herbs are not strong enough to handle the disease I have", "this chick don't know what the heck she is talking about" and the list goes on, we limit The Creator to be most effective in our lives.  I mean how would you feel if you heard someone saying that you aren't going to repay your debt just as you were about to give them the money.  Or imagine how sick I felt when my aunt told me that I could not have those skates I really wanted (that she had already bought) when she found out the mean things I said about her.

Our words come from our beliefs and are based on our suppose too's.  Our suppose too's start to get planted in us in our homes.  We have several different cultural influences that shape our beliefs.  One town does things different than the next.  One city does things different then the next, etc. So we have an North American culture, a state culture, a city culture, a town culture, a community culture, racial culture, a family culture and finally a home culture.  All of these play a role on how we determine what to believe and how to live.  Are these cultures cultivating lifestyles that promote wellness for its people?  Hmmmm.

This is getting ready to get a little winded.  I hope you are getting where I am coming from; are your suppose too's keeping you from optimal health?