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Books, Articles, Etc.

 These are books that I have found interesting.  I have not personally read them all, but I do think they have some value.  If you have some that you want let me know and I will see if I can find it and add it to the list.

The PDR Family Guide To Nutritional Supplements.... $2.00
An authoritative A-to-Z resource on the 100 most popular nutritional therapies and nutraceuticals.
A Complete Handbook of Nature Cures .... $5.00
For people who advocate and recognize the latent healing power of nature like my esteemed friend and fellow practitioner, Shri H.K. Bakhru, naturopathy is a way of life. It is a distinct philosophy and science which strengthens the age-old faith in the correction of bodily disorders and restoration and maintenance of health through elements freely available in nature. It brings home the basic fact that healing is brought about by the inherent curative powers of the body.  The simplicity of this method should not deter individuals from its use. The final complete healing will come from within. In short, the naturopath lends intelligent assistance and  interprets nature’s laws for the patient.
Botanical Medicine for Woman's Health (Romm, Aviva) .... $3.00 
Botanical Medicine for Women’s Health is being published at an interesting time and speaks simultaneously to a number of converging constituencies. It is a  time of growing stress on both the medical system and the patient.  Medical care is in crisis with large numbers of under-insured or uninsured patients needing care. Costs are rising from the practice of increasingly technical medicine while patients complain of the decreasing time and attention they are receiving from their medical providers. Further, the burden of chronic disease is growing in an aging population. In one response to these stressors, patient interest is forcing inclusion of alternative medicines and philosophies into mainstream practice. However, in the case of herbal medicine, incorporation into conventional medicine would represent the return to (pardon the pun) the deepest roots of our own medical tradition.
Cleaning With Essential Oils ....$0.25
Tired of all those harsh cleaning chemicals? You don't have to put up with them! Try using essential oils to clean with instead, they work great and smell nice, too. (1 page)

Tantric Sex (Gold, E.J. & Gold, Cybele) ....$5.00
Tantric Sex is a practical guide to the theory and methods of sex yoga for the West by acknowledged spiritual authorities. Once the privileged possession of select initiates, the sexospiritual secrets revealed in this book are just the right remedy for an ailing society that suppresses the power that gave it life.

Encyclopedia of Essential Oils (Lawless, Julia) .... $5.00 
(31 pages) 
Julia Lawlesshas been interested in aromatic oils since she was a child, when her mother, who was a biochemist, became involved in research in essential oils. In 1983 she took over the responsibility for the formulation of natural products using the oils for Aqua Oleum, the family business. She has studied the Western and Tibetan herbal medicine, and is a qualified aromatherapist and member of the International Federation of Aromatherapists.

Fertility Secrets Revealed (Stevens, Melinda) ..... $5.00 
My name is Melinda Stevens and I'm a happy mother of a 2-year-old boy. I always thought I might be  infertile, until I discovered an E-Book calledFertility Secrets Handbook”, written by a Swedish woman called Helene Kvist, who first became pregnant at the age of 41 and now has 3 children.  Her book is all about secrets to increase a woman's fertility.

Food Storage for Survival .... $1.00 
PRUDENT FOOD STORAGE: Questions &Answers From the House at Cat's Green Alan T. Hagan "In this work, when it shall be found that much is omitted, let it not be forgotten that much likewise is performed."

G Spot Massage ..... $5.00 
The G spot. Here you'll learn what it is, where it is, and what to do with it.

Handbook of Essential Oils Science, Technology and Application (Baser, K. Husnu Can and Buchbauer Gerhard) ..... $5.00 
Essential oils (EOs) are very interesting natural plant products and among other qualities they possess various biological properties. The term “biological” comprises all activities that these mixtures of volatile compounds (mainly mono- and sesquiterpenoids, benzenoids, phenylpropanoids,etc.) exert on humans, animals, and other plants. This book intends to make the reader acquainted with all aspects of EOs and their constituent aromachemicals ranging from chemistry, pharmacology,
biological activity, production, and trade to uses, and regulatory aspects.
Handbook of Medicinal Herbs 2nd Ed (Duke, James A.) .... $5.00
By the time this second edition is published, the first edition of the Handbook of Medicinal Herbs will have been out more than 15 years. The second edition is designed to present most of the old information plus new information on the more important of those original 365 herbs. I submitted the first edition under the original unpublished title, Herbs of Dubious Salubrity. I intentionally left out many of the completely safe culinary herbs, spices, and food plants that are clearly medicinal. I also intentionally omitted some strictly dangerous herbs, such as foxglove, that were too unhealthy for use in unskilled hands. I did include several obscure hallucinogenic plants of dubious salubrity.  I did, or should have, dropped some of these because they have little medicinal importance. Some poorly documented species, such as Mimosa hostilis and Phoradendron leucarpum, for example, were retained with fragmentary entries, so as to at least mention species from the first edition that might better have been dropped.

Handbook of Plant Nutrition (Barker, Allen V and Pilbeam, David J) .... $5.00
For over 150 years, scientists have studied plant nutrition with goals of understanding the acquisition, accumulation, transport, and functions of chemical elements in plants. From these studies, much information has been obtained about the growth and composition of plants in response to soil-borne elements and to fertilization of crops in the soil or in soil-less media, as in hydroponic culture of plants. A compilation of elements known as plant nutrients and beneficial elements has also been developed from this work

Healing with Sexual Energy (Last, Walter) .... $5.00
Sex, or rather sexual energy, is a potent force in regard to our health, intimate relationships and spirituality, but the extent of this is rarely realized. Fortunately we can now understand much of the prevailing dynamics due to recent advances in the neurochemistry of the brain. The observed effects can partly be explained with biochemistry and partly with bioenergetics.
Herbal Home Remedy Book (Wardwell, Joyce A) .... $3.00 
Joyce puts to print many oral traditions, which will make the learning of herbal wisdom more attractive to the young among us. A firm believer in Amerindian medicines, I'm pleased to read Joyce's recounting of some Amerindian stories, blending them skillfully with her own herbal knowledge. And it is the young among us who will carry on the herbal traditions if they learn them well. Good reading on herbal wisdom, with interesting stories that can catch the child's attention! The younger the children learn about the beauty, ease and efficacy of herbal medicine, the longer herbal medicine will survive, perhaps even overcome. I want a copy for each of my grandchildren.

Herbal Medicine for the Skin, Their Chemistry and Effects on Skin and Mucous Membranes ....$2.00
The human skin can show conditions ranging from simple dryness to severe erythema and scaling. These indications are sometimes accompanied by pruritis, inflammation and also may exhibit an associated oedema that further increases the discomfort.  Herbal materials have been selected by an untiring process of ‘trial and error’ to alleviate these symptoms. This is not a method considered to be at all scientific by today’s exacting standards. However, scientific study shows that plants possess a vast complex arsenal of phytochemicals that not only calm, restore, and heal the skin, but also stand up to the scrutiny of clinical trial and pharmacology.

Homeopathy More Than a Cure (Cehovsky, Jin) .... $2.00
Autopathy, A Homeopathic Journey to Harmony.  Healing and Self-Healing with Water and Saliva.

How to Make Your Own Perfume .... $2.00
Why is it that women love perfume as much as men love cars? There are some researchers who believe that a woman’s reason for loving perfume is because of the pheromones their bodies produce. Often, certain scents or perfumes trigger the increase of how much pheromone a woman’s body will produce.

Leading Homeopathic Remedies (Arndt, H. R.) .... $2.00
The little volume now presented to a long-suffering profession is merely a collection of symptoms, pathogenic and clinical, with which a student should become familiar by recitations in the class room before he enters seriously up on the study of the homeopathic materia medica. The perfect memorizing of these symptoms should constitute the materia medica work of the freshman year; this accomplished, the sophomore will enter upon more advanced study prepared to assimilate the better and to classify the more correctly additional and more important facts presented to him in the lecture room.  By carrying this plan into the third and fourth year of the course - reiterating, adding, enlarging, explaining - the young graduate, thus instructed, will be better qualified for the selection of the indicated remedy than is the average graduate of today.
Natural Appetite Suppressants for Safe, Effective Weight Loss (Adams, Mike) .... $5.00
There are safer, more natural alternatives that really work, and Truth Publishing’s new book Natural Appetite Suppressants for Safe, Effective Weight Loss reveals the very best of them: herbs, vitamins and minerals for beating hunger, boosting energy and reversing fat storage—safely and naturally.
Natural Cures Your Doctor Never Told You About (Gordon, Marie) .... $5.00
This e-book covers all the necessary details on natural cures, mainly herbal natural cure. Whatever you want to know on the subject, you will get all the information in this e-book.

Painkillers in Your Kitchen (Gaylord, Tammara) .... $1.00

PDR for Herbal Medicines .... $10.00
With 150,000 copies of its first edition in print, PDR for Herbal Medicines has almost instantly become one of the nation's leading pharmacological references.  The reasons for its phenomenal reception are evident.  Hundreds of herbal remedies now fill the shelves in virtually every supermarket and pharmacy, and the popularity of self-medication with "natural" supplement continues to rise, making the benefits—and risks—of these preparations an ever more compelling concern.

Real Penis Enlargement .... $5.00
Browse this blog and find awesome natural healing remedies

Penis Enlargement Exercise .... $5.00
Closely guarded secrets gleaned from around the world From Asia to Africa have been combined to form the most powerful method of making love, ever, to be in the hands of any one person. Available in both Male & Female versions. You can now earn your Black belt, in the most satisfying
martial art of all.

Small Scale Production of Essential Oils .... $2.00
Essential oils are the volatile oils distilled from aromatic plant materials. The odour and flavour of these oils is usually dependent upon these oxygenated compounds. Many oils are terpenoids, a few oils are benzene derivatives. Table 1 shows the important constituents of the more common essential oils.

Small Scale Food Drying Technologies .... $2.00
Globally, drying is the most widely used method for preserving foods for use in the home or for sale. The most common method involves simply laying the product in the sun on mats, roofs or drying floors. This is known as sun drying. As shown below simple sun drying has advantages and disadvantages.
The Holistic Solution to Overcoming Chronic and Autoimmune Disease (Last, Walter) .... $2.00
Recently I heard an award-winning medical researcher say that steroids and immuno-suppressants as used in the treatment of autoimmune diseases have serious side effects and are not very effective (1). This reminded me of my own experiences in this area.

Men Secret Health Issues (Mutt, Nick) .... $5.00
Erectile dysfunction is a term given to the condition in which a person does not get a proper erection, i.e. the erection is not hard enough to carry out proper penetrative sex. In is commonly known as impotence. One of its major responsible factors is the hectic lifestyle that we lead today.

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