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Hello.  Welcome to my world.  I am Lani Pounds, and I was told that some people might be interested in my natural living insights. Of course...


One herb does not fit all.  I provide a service of helping you navigate this crazy world of alternative healing.  I specialize in personal consultations that help you design a program that fits your particular needs.  It will not do either of us any good if I give you the cure for "life" and it just sits on your counter-top looking at you.  That would be a waste of both of our time.  After twenty plus years of advising people on what works and what is good for the body, I have come to realize that it really doesn't matter if I have not taken into consideration what fits that individual.  This is why I started personal consultations.

During a consultation you will complete an in-depth questionnaire, followed by further questions regarding what are your ultimate goals for living a natural lifestyle.  I will take this information and create a couple of programs/regimens for you.  We will go over the program and you decide what you feel you will be able to commit to (and yes, I used the word "commit").  Depending on your specific concerns, the program should last approximately three months.

Personalized Three Month Program:
- Involves me giving different forms of "treatments" to you.  This is more hands on, helping you create a natural lifestyle for your own surroundings.  I find that sometimes a second pair of eyes helps us when we get stuck in our routines.
- All "treatments" are included in the price
- Any herbal supplements or blends will be your responsibility.
- "Treatments" range from manipulating trigger points, massages, zapping, detoxing and others.  It all depends on your needs.

One Month Personalized Detox Program
- Customized program for personal detoxification
- Guidance through the process
- Review of progress, with suggested modifications if needed
- Treatment regimens are included

Life Coaching (One Hour):
- The coaching process addresses specific personal and/or business goals, general conditions and transitions in your life, relationships or profession by examining what is going on right now, discovering what your obstacles or challenges might be, and choosing a course of action that incorporates mind set, physical condition as well as spiritual practices.
- Some topics that are covered:
  • Confidence, Self Worth & Self Esteem
  • Loving Relationships
  • Career Change
  • Creating Balance in Your Life
  • Living Your Purpose
  • Managing Your Emotions
  • Creating Optimal Health

When you are ready to partake in this journey together you can select the service you that might best fit you or give us a call or text at 205-547-0780.  You are welcomed to leave a comment or question.


New Client Consultation
30 minutes
¯  Detailed explanation of our services
¯  Assessment if this is a good fit for you according to your needs
¯  Assessment of your commitment level

Personalized Wellness Program
3 months
¯  Personal consultations that help you design a program that fits your particular need.
¯  Any of the treatments listed in this brochure could be included in your treatment at no extra charge.
¯  A consultant helps to guide to a natural living lifestyle in a caring environment.
¯  An in-depth questionnaire will help the consultant determine the programs that would be most successful for you to reach your goal.
¯  The program also includes exercises that are intended to balance mind, body and spirit.
¯  Use of exercise equipment is included

Personalized Detoxification Program
1 month
¯  Tailored for the individual who may want guidance in performing personal detox.
¯  Includes detox treatments.
¯  Progress review

Life Coaching
¯  First session: 60 to 90 minute assessment session
¯  One 30 to 90 minute phone call per week
¯  One weekly email follow-up

Quantum Magnetic Resonance Analysis   
¯  Advanced electronic equipment to collect the weak magnetic field of human cells for scientific analysis, thereby analyzing and determining the your health status.
¯  Provide standard prevention recommendations.
¯  Non-invasive.
¯  Analyzes over 30 body systems.

Sound/Frequency Therapy
1 hour
¯  Increased mental, physical and emotions sense of well being.
¯  Vibrations have been scientifically proven to have an effect on the body.
¯  The vibrations from sound that create a positive response in your body will be used to help your body relieve stress.
¯  Has been used to increase immunity, modify behavior, balance emotions and much more.
¯  Personalized Frequency CD available ($10).

Applied Kinesiology Therapy
1 hour
¯  Evaluate muscle strength.
¯  Useful in treating muscle pains, skin disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, depression, and much more.
¯  Can help in identifying allergies.

Energy/Chakra Cleansing
1 hour
¯  Chakras are considered to be the plug of the body that receives the energy from above.
¯  When these plugs get blocked it becomes harder for the body to receive the healing energy that is being sent to it.
¯  Some of the benefits include:
o   Faster healing
o   Less stress
o   Better elimination of toxins
o   Improved digestion

Detox Foot Bath
30 minutes
¯  Detoxification using ionic charge.
¯  Relax in a thirty minute foot bath while the water pulls out the toxins, leaving you feeling great.
¯  Has been known to help with:
o   Pain relief
o   Boost immune system
o   Normalize blood pressure
o   Increase circulation
o   Increase energy and vitality
o   Reduce insomnia
o   Reduce constipation
o   Reduce menopausal symptoms

Zapping Session
30 minutes
¯  Uses electricity to zap parasites, bacteria and viruses and painless to you
¯  Great for Candida
¯  Has been used for cleaning the blood of:
o   Tapeworms
o   Roundworms
o   Flukes

Treatment Equipment

The treatment services we provide are based in centuries of anecdotal usages.  We use quantum physics based equipment that has been scientifically proven and researched by the pioneers of the scientific community in our treatment programs.

¯  The Advanced Bio Photon Analyzer: uses frequencies that are not dependent on time/space to heal, enabling healing from a distance.
¯  Virtual Clarity Meter: uses biofeedback to help clear anxiety, stress, deep seeded emotions.
¯  Quantum Resonance Analyzer: uses magnetic energy to analyze the body, measure over 30 body systems (ex. cardiovascular, vitamin levels, trace elements, lung, liver, etc.)
¯  Homeopathy: minute medicine that helps in a big way
¯  Pulsed Magnetic Energy
¯  Colloidal Silver Generator
¯  Rife/Crane Generator
¯  TENS Therapy
¯  Color Therapy

These products have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to treat or prevent disease.
The information provided here is for educational purposes only, and should not be used to diagnose and treat diseases. If you have a serious health problem, we recommend that you consult a competent health practitioner.
After each product is a list of what it has been used to aid. We are not claiming that the product will cure any of these diseases or that we created them to cure these disorders. We are merely reporting that people have used the product to aid these conditions.
Always consult with a qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.
Herbs are medicine so please check with your doctor or pharmacist when considering taking herbal supplements

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