Now because it takes a lot of cooking time, you have to clean them, separate them, make a rub or marinade and then put them on the grill all takes a lot of time and effort before you can actually EAT them. It's a thing. So I don't have barbecue beef ribs all the time. I trying to save it for holidays and stuff like that to keep it special. No matter what kind of diet I'm on it always goes out the window when I see some barbecue beef ribs.
Now let's just say that my love for beef ribs comes with some uncomfortable consequences. I do believe that beef ribs loves me as much as I love them but beef ribs do something on my digestive track. They don't treat me as good as I treat them. And yet when I see a plate of beef ribs I just get weak and I eat. I don't even feel bad about it until later on that day. My digestive system will be cussing me out and in pain. I'm feeling a certain kind of way about beef ribs.
Why am I going on like this? Because someone else's beef ribs is a man or a woman. And somebody might need help figuring out how to stay strong in front of the disrespectful, ungrateful, wishy washy, push pull person who is causing you to feel uncomfortable, broken hearted and bamboozled.
Now how can I stay strong in front of my weakness.
That's the stuff that gets you really down to your guts about yourself love. Talking about creating an inner conflict. Something that feels good that hurts you. Something you really truly love that hurts you. Someone that you would go through a lot of things to have in front of you only to be hurt by that person.
Everybody's version of love is not the same and it is our responsibility to be extremely familiar with ourselves in order to maintain our self love, no matter how much we want the other person to honor our own personal self love. And that's the feeling that needs to be put above all others.
It's not about focusing on the pain. Or about how bad the person treated you. It's about staying in tune with the love of self and how much you are willing to compromise your personal love boundaries.
We are tasked to love ourselves more every time we sit in front of a plate of beef ribs. We need to love ourselves more than we did the last time we sat in front of that plate.
There's the test. Will you pass it? How do you pass it? Where's the study guide? What happened to some practice quizzes?
You pass the test every time you remember who you are and stand in your boundaries. That comes with everyday nurturing of self. Because you might get hit with a pop quiz to see if your every day practice of self love is working.
To give you a hint on when you might get a pop quiz, pay attention to when you are feeling hungry and not just any regular hungry but, somewhat of a desperate hungry; a longing hunger where you just want to eat anything. That's most likely the time when you need to love yourself even extra. This requires you to stay very in tuned with your spirit and heart. So when that pop quiz comes as a dinner invitation to your vegetarian friends who just happened to make a special dish of beef ribs for you, you will be able to make a full turn around. Leave the ribs alone.
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