This post is dedicated to Men. I
was watching the movie Black Dynamite and I realized that some men would rather
die than to have a little love stick. (Yes, I do know the technical terms
for these words, I am just in the mood to keep it teenage friendly, so work
with me.) This is going to be the topic for today and I will start with
the mind.
I first have to say that I am not a
man. I do not want to be a man. I have not walked on this earth as
a man. I do love and respect our men. I love Angie Stone's song
Brotha. She says it all for me. Having a son has opened my
eyes to some of the challenges men go through and how some of those challenges
are brought on by us women who do not understand the power that we have.
Because I want my son to become a respectful, loving man and husband, I have
had to look at men in a different way.
I always thought that men were strong
and kind. They did not have feelings that could get hurt. You know,
"man up", "men don't cry", and all of that. Boy oh
boy, that was a belief I had to get rid of with a quickness. Given that, let’s talk about
some of the issues that can effect a man’s love stick and maybe how to crank
things up a notch.
Men, understand that the world has been
telling you a bunch of lies. You have
been told that you should be able to stiffen up at just the sight of the woman’s
pleasure box. You have been told that
all pleasure boxes are good pleasure boxes and it really doesn’t matter how you
feel about the woman. The truth is your
feelings and emotions can affect your ability to perform. They have been telling you a bunch of
lies, lies, lies. So please don’t beat yourself up
(no pun intended) when you are not at the best of your performance level at every session. What I do want you to do, is realize that because
you may be feeling a certain way about your day, the job, the bills, this
nagging woman at home, etc. your body will be effected as well. For those of you who have been active in the
bedroom arena, think back on your best sessions and on your worst. I bet during your best sessions your mind was
free and you were able to be the beast master in the bedroom. And likewise on your worst session you had so
much on your mind you were basically just going through the motions and really didn’t
care if you or your partner crossed the finish line. Now let’s take this a little deeper.
What happens when you have been in a
long term relationship with the right
person (only The Creator can help you if you are with the wrong person)? All of the crazy sessions
have turned into “am I gonna even get to look at the pleasure box this week?” or “Man,
that 20% over there (I think the new term is THOT) is starting to look like 60%.” LOL…Chris Rock said to recycle the P. Lol…but first you may need to recycle your
mindset. You have been with this woman
long enough to know how to get passed her drama and get into the pleasure
box. Give yourselves a commitment to
have a weekend together every three months.
You need this to recharge yourself and to get the extra conversation out
of your minds for a while. It doesn’t
have to be extravagant; a weekend in the local hotel will work just as well as
sending the kids away and spending the weekend with the phone off and the legs
in the air. Both of you need to remember
what is was like to be attractive again and to be wanted by your mate. These weekends help keep that burning. If you are one of those types of guys who has
a hard time letting go of the thoughts of providing, the job, the bills, etc.
please find you a relaxing herb for this special occasion. FREE YOUR MIND AND THE REST WILL FOLLOW!
If you are in pretty good shape and you
find that the love stick has turned into a love noodle, it may not be something
physical with you; it may be that your partner has hurt you so much or messed
with your emotions in such a negative way that you are simply no longer
physically attracted to her. You might
be fooling yourself, but as they say the love stick has a mind of it’s own
sometimes. And it is not trying to mind
your partner anymore. That said, do some
deep work and a little percolating on when the love stick rises to the
occasion. If you get a rise watching a
porno, a girl walking down the street or any other situation, your love stick
works just fine. It is mental. GREAT!….You don’t have to take a bullet. All you have to do now is some mind work, get
rid of that chick or recycle the pleasure box.
Do what feels right for you and please stay true. Don’t use this as an excuse to be mean or it
will not work.
Now, for those with diabetes, high blood
pressure, a physical issues or on pharmaceuticals, there are
herbal ways to help with this. You have
to do more mental work of course because of the thoughts and feelings that come
with your body not performing the way you want it. The rest of this blog will have a few herbs and tricks to help in this area.
Without beating a dead horse, I must
mention first, that a cleanse of the kidney, liver, colon and lungs for those
who need that, should be done with the help of an experienced
practitioner. Remember that we are
talking about blood flow and circulation as well as hormonal balance. If you want a faster response, these things
need to be cleaned out, especially the blood.
I am sure you have heard this before and know of ways to do this. If not let me know and we can go over some
plans specifically for you.
Click on the highlighted words to see a website with more detailed information.
Calming Herbs:
- Medical
Marijuana: if you live in a state where
this is legal, then get some and stop tripping.
I am sure I don’t need to go into details of its calming effects. For medicinal purpose I believe the edible form is best and last longer. Please be cautious on edibles because they will sneak up on you. They can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 4 hours before you feel anything. The kick is totally based on the individuals digestion system. I would like to mention that it has a lot of
healing power if you get the strands that are higher in CBD than in THC.
- Kava Kava Root: not to be taken with alcohol, anti-depressants, dopamine drugs. This herb has been used for centuries in the South Pacific. This herb produces a calming in the brain and is not addictive. Some suggest taking 250 mg of kavalactones per day, three days per week taking a week off after a month.
- Ashwagandha: Ashwagandha is an Indian herb used for ongoing chronic stress. Ashwagandha root rejuvenates without being over stimulating. Suggested dosages range from 300mg-6000mg per day divided into three dosages.
- St. John’s Wort: Used to treat sleep disorders, depression and anxiety for centuries. Suggested dosages range from 300mg to 1,800mg broken into two-three daily dosages.
this is a very short list of a very long
herb class. My three favorites for now.
- Fo-Ti
Root: Also known as He sho wu, ho shou
wu and other names in China. Again this
is an herb that has been used for centuries for increasing energy, longevity,
and fertility. Suggested dosages range
from 3g to 18g per day divided into three dosages.
- Maca Root: A form of ginseng, this root
has been known to increase stamina, libido, and sperm production. I got one of my husbands to try this herb and
he experienced a very powerful release. And
he didn’t need to take the herb for three months before he had results. I think it was only a day or two. Suggested dosages range from 1500mg-2400mg
per day divided into three dosages.
- Tribulis Terrestris: An herb from India it has been used as an aphrodisiac and to increase testosterone levels. Suggested dosages range from 400mg-2,000mg per day divided into three dosages.
For those with pre-existing health
issues, these herbs may take a few weeks before results will be noticeable. Since your body will be in a place of lack it
will take a minute for the lack to be satisfied and the extra benefits from the
herbs will be noticed.
I make several blends for hormonal
balance for my clients if you are interested in some of the results and would
like to know more about these blends, let me know. I also have a few books - the G Spot
Massage, Healing with Sexual Energy, and a couple of Penis Enlargement books - on
the Books page of this blog.
Now if you
have certain beliefs, like missionary position is the only way to reach
the finish line then you are putting yourself in sexual bondage, and not
the fun kind. Every part of your skin has nerves attached to it and if
touched properly, these nerves can make your toes crinkle. Expand Your
Foundation to ALL of the possibilities in the bedroom. Create an
environment of freedom. Leave the judgements on the other side of the
door. If you are not ready to do that, please don't read the rest of
this. You will be wasting your time and calling me freaky, lol.
- Vibrators: Some of you may be familiar with using vibrators on your partner, but I am telling you that they can be used on you as well. Allow your TRUSTED partner to place the vibrator on that spot right below the sac, at the base of the love stick while she is going for a ride. Or have her place the vibrator on her check while she is licking the big stick. Use your imagination. You can have vibratorial fun too.
- Food: Honey, cool-whip, caramel, etc. can all be placed on, around, and in between the love stick, chest, back of knees, basically whatever turns you on. Frozen fruits can be quite pleasurable. Just imagine what it would feel like going into a pleasure box that has ice chips or frozen cherries. This is a new meaning to busting a cherry. What a wonderful time to go on an expedition of sensual pleasures.
- Fantasy/Dress-Up: This one is open for all interpretations. You must create a freedom in the bedroom for this to be pleasurable. Do a strip tease dance for her and maybe she will ride your pole when you are done. Let her come home to a clean house and seduce her before she can even put her purse down. I think you can figure out other things that might work for you.
Have fun exploring the new ways your
love stick can fulfill the pleasure box.
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