I am sitting here looking through my herb books and going through the many natural websites that deal with stopping smoking and it really all sounds like a bunch of yada yada. Most people know all of this and yet they still smoke. What can I add to your world that is not just: take this herb, drink some water and you are all good? So I am not going to do that. I am going to just tell my story and send out hope that it helps you in your world.
First of all let me say that I like smoking. Even when I started breaking out from Marlboros I just switched to the Native American brand and when those started breaking me out I switched to cloves. I was not going to let a little break out stop me from smoking; I am a strong woman.
While all of these herbal books and websites address what smoking does to the body, nobody could ever really address how to leave these "smokers habits." For me, smoking was not just puffing on a stick. Smokers have their own social world that non-smokers know nothing about. I have met people while taking a smoking break that I would never had met otherwise. A smoke break means walking out of the current situation and into a space of clearness. Going outside away from whatever madness that is happening let's me take another look at what is going on. And the funny thing is that nobody really bothers me when I am smoking. I think this is the main reason why I like to smoke. It is an acceptable escape.
I also like chewing on things; pencils and pens have no chance around me when I am not smoking. While I sit typing, reading or writing, my hand reaches for a smoke. I think I smoke more when I am working then playing. So it is also this habit that I have to address. What do I chew on now?
Well, since I have all of this herbal knowledge I decided to make my own herbal cigarettes and sell them. This went great for a while, and I had a growing customer base, but I got scared. Yes, I did. I got scared of the big tobacco companies and the government. When I would smoke my herbal blends people thought I was smoking weed. If it doesn't smell like cigarettes then it must be weed, right? I did not need any unwanted attention from the authorities, so I stopped. I AIN'T SCARED NO MORE!
I am at the point now where I see cigarettes as bondage. I am being controlled by this little stick thing and I don't really like being addicted to something. Instead of having a friend or family member try this out, I am going to be my own guinea pig. I have decided when I finish this pack of cigarettes that I just bought I will put my plan into motion. It should take about a week for me to have everything in place to start. I will keep you guys posted on my progress and try to be short about it. Here is my plan:
- Chew on licorice sticks
- Smoke my herbal blends of cigarettes
- Take purposeful breaks outside for fresh air
- Drink plenty of water since this will help get the nicotine out of my body because nicotine is water soluble
- Might try the e-cigs since I make the vape oils or buy some vape oils that are nicotine free
- Use herbs and oils
- sniff Black Pepper Essential Oils to help with the cravings
- sniff Lavender Essential Oil to help with nerves
- use drops of Lobelia extract to help with the nicotine, Lobelia goes into the nicotine receptors in our bodies
- use calming herbal extracts: kava kava, st. john's wort or create my own blend
- colon cleanse to prepare the way for the kidney, liver and lung flush/cleanse
- kidney flush: nicotine is water soluble
- liver flush: left over nicotine gets stored in fat
- lung cleanse: built up mucus needs to be cleared out and the lungs rebuilt
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