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Hello.  Welcome to my world.  I am Lani Pounds, and I was told that some people might be interested in my natural living insights. Of course...

Letting Go

Today I had to realize that it was time to let go and move on.  It didn't feel good at all and I had to allow myself to mourn the dreams of the future and appreciate the journey of the past.  I had to remind myself that the only constant thing in this universe is change and that those dreams I had of the future were nice for that time.  Dreams change as situations change. Stress becomes a part of life when we resist the flow of the change we find ourselves swimming against the tide.  If we live our lives where we are truly trusting the Creator to guide us then we will realize that the river is flowing to bigger and better with every change and not have a problem with following the flow.  The lesson to learn is stay in contact with your spirit so that you will flow easier with change.

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