I had to stop the other day and ask myself, "why am I going through this same thing all over again?"
"Why do I say I want to be healthy every time I feel pain, but go right back to doing the same things once I feel better?" (my answer to this: it is just too much work; I actually like pastrami sandwiches and beef ribs and I ain't trying to stop what I like)
"Why do I have ALL of this knowledge and use none of it on myself?" (my answer to this: it is just too much work; or I will get to it later; or I will be okay for now; just let me finish this and I will start working on myself tomorrow)
"What is the deal where I have been on this "Feast or Famine" financial roller coaster?" (my answer to this: God will provide, He has an unlimited supply, so I can spend my money on what I want...lol, until what I need (like electricity, water, etc.) gets compromised)
I knew the answers where there, but I felt like it was something blocking me from seeing the truth, my truth. The block was me! All of the "answers" I have been telling myself got me in this circular spiral of UPs and DOWNs. I realized I have a set of beliefs that are driving my actions. No matter how many affirmations, strong prayers or pleadings to God for help, I was subconsciously setting myself up for this roller coaster.
As I am writing this I hear the child in me screaming that it doesn't want to go to bed early or find time in the day to spend on myself. THAT'S JUST TOO MUCH WORK! THAT'S JUST TOO MUCH WORK! lol
Since I spoil most people in my circle, it is not surprising that I spoil the child in me as well. What do you do with a child when they go from spoiled to spoiled rotten? You gotta put your foot down, close your ears and do some tough love. You know she will thank you later.
My hidden truth is that the child in me has been running my life, with my permission (consciously or subconsciously, doesn't matter).
OK...so what am I going to do about it?
Me and the little child will sit down and have a very personal conversation about the ideas, beliefs and dreams the little child has. That will be the start of understanding some of my actions that keep me on the roller coaster. The next step to dealing with my truth is to take action towards living a life that is loving to both of us (getting proper rest, eating live food, putting positive images through my eyes and in my mind, etc.). I also understand that I need to give that little child in me some attention and some love, so that will mean quiet personal time with myself. I will spend more time in my spiritual journey so that I may strengthen the both of us with the help of God.
This is my truth, the answers to changing the "Feast or Famine" roller coaster ride that has been my life. If you resonant towards this, please use it for yourself and leave a comment on how it worked for you.
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